Updating the life of Lok Lok.

on Saturday, 19 September 2009

The educational year of 2009-2010 commenced a month and a few weeks ago. To be honest, it feels like I haven't had a summer holiday. Everything seems very normal, except I am now a sixth former. Teachers do indeed treat you differently, and so do the younger pupils. It's very strange not having to wear a set uniform which makes it extremely difficult to decide what to wear in the morning.

However, one thing which I look forward to every week is going to our consortium school for my Maths lessons. It actually has become the highlight of the week. I'm meeting many new cool people there and one surprising thing is that my Arron look-a-like now goes there. I couldn't believe it at first. Someone called my name in the corridor and I turned around to see him there. Actually do really love it at consortium.

I also, now have a year seven mentee, who I see every Monday to talk to her and share any problems she has or just generally make her feel welcome. She's actually really nice, says hello to me in the corridors and everything. Her friends are a bit creepy though. I never remember us being that loud and crazy in year seven.

The jump from GCSE to A-Level though, really has proved to be a difficulty, especially in French. I seem to be really frightened of the lessons because I think that everyone else's French is so much better than mine. I'd say Maths is quite a bit harder too, but I'm still able to hang on to what we're doing at the moment, might have to get a tutor when it gets harder though. The homework load is quite ridiculous. It doesn't actually seem that much, but when you get working on it, then BAM, you can never get it finished it seems.

I've been back to Chinese school for two weeks now. Tomorrow, the third week. Nothing much has changed, except that I only do one lesson now, which is quite late in the day, so I hardly get anything done of Sundays. My class has quite a few new people in it. And I'm not happy about sitting on the second row. It feels too forward... And I'd say, now that I can hardly talk to him, my feelings for him are dying down, which I don't know whether is good or bad.

Anyway, now that I have a job too on top of all of my school work, means that my free time is very limited. I haven't watched any of my beloved Taiwan series since school started! And that is saying something serious. I can hardly finish all of my work, let alone have time to do leisure activities!


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