We love the Earth!

on Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Annyeonghaseyo! The English weather turned better last week, but once again it is as cold, windy and rainy as ever. ¬____¬ I was fortunate enough to return home earlier today, and as I have no homework (that I know of) to complete, I thought I would come and update update.

Lately, many people have been getting on my nerves. Some, for unknown reasons, and others for well known reasons.
Someone who manages to make everyone annoyed is a woman at my work, who is the kind of person who voices her opinions about everything, is rather selfish, and needs to be given a punch in the face. My friend and I do regularly bitch about her for the person she is. I would love to see her fired to be honest.
Another person who makes me annoyed is my ex bf. He was one of the biggest mistakes that I ever made, and I really will make sure that I don't put myself through an experience like him ever again. Basically, he was a nice person, you must admit, but he is a big headed and seriously annoying kind. He had to retake year 12 because he failed so badly, and even now, he still believes that he can get into Cambridge. In your dreams.

Anyway, on a good note, I had the most amazing experience on Sunday, even I still can't believe it. I met a guy who studies Latin at Roehampton uni! So, the story goes like this: I walked into a card shop to buy birthday cards for two of my friends. I went to pay, and I noticed that the guy had a Latin dicitionary on the couunter. So I was like "You do Latin? So do I!" And we went into a long conversation. He ended up giving me his name so that I could find him on Facebook. :D He was an amazing guy, so easy to talk to.

I still haven't been on Facebook since the 5th January. I'm really curious to find out how many new friend requests I've got, how many notifications and how many messages. But on top of that, what I really want to do at the moment, is to add my new Latin friend. I hope that he hasn't forgotten me by the time I get back on...

Exams are nearing... Scared.

However, I cannot escape from mentioning the dramas which I've been watching recently. They are extremely, very addictive. Firstly, there is Hi My Sweetheart, Taiwanese drama. It began as a really funny comedy, but towards the end it turns into a very sad story. I do have a couple of episodes left, things might change. I have found that I've fallen in love with the lead actor. Not only do I love his character's personality, he is also as fit as the fittest thing on earth. (L)
Secondly, there is Pasta, Korean drama. It is my first Korean drama, and it's made me want to watch every other Korean drama available. It's a shame that I have to wait for English subtitles though.

Music-wise, Korean is the way to go. Super Junior are still top on my list at the moment. With SNSD following close behind. KYUHYUN! Lovelovelove. You have to watch the following video, it is the most ear soothing acapella ever! And Kyuhyun is so jokes/kyute! ^^

I'm getting ready to head off to Hong Kong and South Korea as soon as this summer holiday begins! HOORAH! :D Very excited.

So, there's not much left for me to say, goodbye for now!

(PS. There is no specific reason why this post is called "We love the Earth"...)


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